Songer & Associates
Frustrated With the Same Tired Options Every Year?
High Risk Industries:
Our program for high risk industries is designed specifically to give relief to businesses that have limited options for worker's compensation. This can be the result of adverse claims history, class of business, rising debit experience modifications, multi-state exposures, or any number of reasons. Many times being placed in the state assigned risk pool is the last resort, where rates can be 50%-70% higher, with penalties pushing that over 100%. Claims service and handling suffers in most state pools and experience mods continue to spiral out of control. Combined with larger down payments, some as high as 50%, employers soon realize that worker's compensation is one of their largest bottom line expenses with no relief in sight.
Let us show you how we will take you out of the pool, improve your service, and cut your worker's comp costs by an average of 25%. Need improved cash flow? we have NO DOWN PAYMENTS, and premiums are paid each time you process a payroll based on that exact amount. No more guessing, and no more audits. A true pay as you go, for what you use, program.
** Our last waste hauling account had $2,900,000 in payroll with a 1.40 mod. Savings: $65,000. **